Sunday, October 18, 2009

Beer Pong feared to spread Swine Flu..

Beer pong feared to spread swine flu!
Popular drinking games may highten H1N1 risk..

College drinking games are now being looked at for their potential to spread swine flu. Beer Pong is getting the most scrutiny. It's an extremely popular college drinking game that's played with two teams. Each team tries to make the other team drink all their cups of beer by throwing a ping pong ball into the other teams cups. When one team sinks a ball, a member of the opposite team has to drink the whole cup of beer. UMass Amherst officials told 22News that the game has been banned on campus since 2006. But, that didn't stop students we spoke with from playing it. Rick Yennaeo, a Senior at UMass Amherst, said "It was introduced to me my first year in college if not before then. It's everywhere on campus. It's everywhere in the country." But beer pong is also an easy way to get sick. The ball is often handled by multiple people. Oftentimes, it falls on the floor. When it falls nicely into a cup, all those germs go into the beer and into your body. Luke Basler, a junior at UMass Amherst, told 22News that "We decided to have all the cups filled with water and then you have your beer on the side in a can that you hold. If the cup makes it into the water, you have to drink the equal amount out of your can." He says this reduces your chances of getting sick. The problem is that not everyone plays this way. Since Beer Pong has 830,663 fans on Facebook, you can bet that germs are being spread with each winning cup.

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