Saturday, November 28, 2009

Guitar Hero: Van Halen

It's been a long, strange journey for Guitar Hero: Van Halen.

After being announced with little fanfare from Activision, the game was then buried into a corner of the Sony booth at E3 2009, like a shamed child sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on. The game resurfaced again during the early fall in an even more dubious fashion – it was being given away for approximately zero dollars with the purchase of Guitar Hero 5, months before the official release... three days before Christmas. Games that ultimately get canceled don't get buried like this game has been. That's what makes it all the more surprising that this third attempt at a band-specific Guitar Hero game isn't all that bad; it's actually pretty decent, with a good selection of songs that are pretty fun to play, especially on guitar. Sure, it's about a band that hasn't been culturally relevant since Bill Clinton was president, and the game itself completely ignores all Van Halen tunes after 1985, making the game even less relevant to modern music fans. But it's still Guitar Hero, the franchise is still pretty enjoyable, and GH: Van Halen is no exception. Unless you're a Sammy Hagar fan. Then you're probably sad.

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