Sunday, November 15, 2009

Patrondidit! The Buzz Continues

Maybe late last year you saw the TV ad for Patrón tequila in which a rippled god and a sultry goddess are lying in bed, relaxing and clearly pleased with whatever they have just done.

"The Perfect Girl," says a caption over his head. "The Perfect One Night Stand," says a caption by hers.
If you did see it, savor the memory. You won't see it again. Seems it suggested too strongly alcohol consumption and sexual activity might be connected. Imagine that.
Who would ever think alcohol could play a role in lubricating a social relationship?
The answer to that question, of course, is "everyone." The proven value of alcohol in breaking down inhibitions is precisely why some people think no one should ever drink it while others urge its consumption at every chance.
This consensus on alcohol's effects makes it amusing that alcohol ads apparently must ignore them and instead promote the product's other attractions, like how prestigious the bottle looks on a mahogany cocktail bar.
AdAge reports that what happened with Patrón, the country's fastest-growing tequila, was this: The Distilled Spirits Council, trade group of the hard-liquor industry, received a complaint that the ad drew too explicit a connection between a few shots of tequila and great sex with an unbelievably good-looking partner.
The Council investigated and concluded that "the depiction of a man and a woman in bed with an open bottle of tequila at the foot of the bed, and clothes and undergarments strewn on the floor in front of the bed linked the consumption of alcohol to sexual prowess."
Put that way, it's hard to argue.
The Council worries about these things because it took years to get many media outlets to accept hard-liquor ads. The last thing it wants now is for anyone to inflame the public into demanding the ban's reinstitution.
So it asked Patrón to pull the ad, which Patrón did. It also pulled a companion ad that showed a woman in a bar under the caption "battery-powered."
All this presumably lessens the chance Patrón will license Joe Diffie's No. 1 country hit "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off," even if the lyrics are a natural:
"I told her put an extra layer on
I know what happens when she drinks Patrón..."

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